Friday, August 29, 2014

Cradle of Human Kind, South Africa

Did you know that scientists believe humans evolved from a common ancestor that came out of Africa?  In fact, they believe that humans came out of South Africa. Ms. Hoffman got to visit a place called the Cradle of Human Kind. This is a place near Johannesberg, South Africa where many of the oldest hominid fossils have been found. That means they found of really really old human like creatures. They weren't exactly like humans, but they were pretty close!

Read the quote on the stone. What do you think that means?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Plants the Dinosaurs saw??

Ms. Hoffman got to visit a place called Kirstenbosch Gardens in Cape Town, South Africa. She saw many beautiful plants and animals. But, she was a little sad to learn some things about some of the plants she saw. Some of them are close to extinction. We learned about extinction when we talked about the quagga. Did you know that plants can go extinct too?

There are many plants in the garden and in the Cape Town area called cycads. These plants have existed since the dinosaurs were around.  That means that the dinosaurs saw and maybe ate plants that look almost exactly the same as the ones I saw.

Here are some pictures of what they look like:

The sad thing is that some of these amazing plants are going extinct. Again, it is because people are overtaking their land. Hopefully we will continue to try to save these amazing plants. 

Some plants are already extinct.

Is there anything you can do to help protect plants?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Check out the animals I saw in Botswana and Namibia

Ms. Hoffman got to do a safari in southern Africa. She visited Botswana and Namibia and tried to see a lot of animals. Click the link below to check out her best photos of the animals she saw!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

What is a Quagga?

Have you ever heard of a quagga? I'm not surprised if you say you haven't. Quaggas were a special kind of zebra that lived in southern Africa, but they are extinct now. Do you know what extinct means??
A picture of one of the last quaggas ever. 
Extinct is a word that means that there are no more in the whole world. Quaggas are extinct - so there are NO MORE quaggas in the entire world. The last quagga died more than 100 years ago. How do you think that happened?
A painting of a quagga.
The reason the quaggas went extinct was because it was hunted by humans. We also took over its land so it had no place to live. We humans have to be very careful about what we do to the world - otherwise a lot more animals will go extinct.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Answers: Why is it summer in the USA and winter in southern Africa??

Ms Hoffman has been cold here in South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia. It is winter here... Even though it is July and so hot there in the USA. Why is it winter here and summer there?

The answer has to do with how the earth moves around the sun and how the earth is tilted. Look at the diagram.

See how one part of earth is always closest to the sun, either the north or the south? The place that is closest has summer. In June and July the northern part of the world (where the US is) is closest or has summer. At the same time, the south part of the world (where South Africa is) is farthest away has winter.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Why is it summer in the USA and winter in southern Africa??

Ms Hoffman has been cold here in South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia. It is winter here... Even though it is July and so hot there in the USA. Why is it winter here and summer there?

Write down our discuss your ideas with a friend. Check back for answers tomorrow!