Friday, November 28, 2014

Ms. Hoffman does the Sid Shuffle Around the World... Part 2!

Remember when Ms. Hoffman did the Sid Shuffle all around Africa and Eastern Europe? She continues dancing around the world. This video focuses on the Balkans, Greece, and Turkey. Sid says it best, "get on your feet, it's easy to do, just follow me!"

Communism vs. Capitalism Part 1

Ms. Hoffman visited many countries in central Europe. One thing she learned was that the counties that she visited are very young. They are young because they completely changed their governments and economies. Two weeks ago, she asked you what an economy was. Did you figure it out?

In the USA, we have a mostly Capitalist or Market Economy.

In many of the countries that Ms. Hoffman visited, they have the same kind of economy now, but not too long ago, they had a different kind. It was called Communism.

Have you heard of Communism? This is a different kind of government and economic system. To help you understand, answer the questions below. Check back here next week to understand how the answers to these questions would be different in a Communism System!

In the USA...
1. Can you own something? Like a car or house?

2. How do you earn money?

3. Who decides what you do with your money?

4. Who decides how much things at the store cost?

5. Can you change jobs when you want to?

6. Can you move to another city or state if you want to?

7. Can you travel to another country?

8. When you go to the doctor, who pays for it?

9. Does everyone have to have a job?

10. Is everyone equal?

Friday, November 21, 2014

Ms. Hoffman Did a Road Trip: Where are Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia Herzegovina?

Ms. Hoffman visited with her parents in Europe! She really like seeing them. They were all able to rent a car and travel to three different countries: Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia Herzegovina.

Can you find them?

Here is Ms. Hoffman and her family on a rainy day in Zagreb, Croatia!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Answers: How Long did she Wait??

Yesterday, Ms. Hoffman asked how long she had to wait for the bus in the bus stations. The first thing you need to do is figure out when she was waiting for the bus!

She left Olympia at 9:30 am. 
She arrived in a town called Pirgos at 10:43 am.
She stayed in the bus station at Pirgos till her bus to Tripoli at 3:30 pm.
She arrived in Tripoli at 6:10 pm.
She stayed in the bus station at Tripoli until her bus to Sparta at 6:55 pm.
She arrived (finally!) in Sparta at 8:05 pm.

She was waiting at the Pirgos bus station from 10:43 am to 3:30 pm.

She was waiting at the Tripoli bus station from 6:10 pm to 6:55 pm.

No figure out how much time that was all together!

She waited 5 hrs and 32 min!

Monday, November 17, 2014

How Long did she Wait??

Last week, Ms. Hoffman wanted to find out how long she was on a bus. This week, Ms. Hoffman is curious about how long she had spend waiting for the bus. Waiting for the bus is NO FUN! Can you help her figure it out?

Ms. Hoffman traveled from Olympia to Sparta on the bus.

She left Olympia at 9:30 am. 
She arrived in a town called Pirgos at 10:43 am.
She stayed in the bus station at Pirgos till her bus to Tripoli at 3:30 pm.
She arrived in Tripoli at 6:10 pm.
She stayed in the bus station at Tripoli until her bus to Sparta at 6:55 pm.
She arrived (finally!) in Sparta at 8:05 pm.

How long did she have to wait for the bus at the two train stations?

Friday, November 14, 2014

What is an Economy?

Ms. Hoffman visited many countries in central Europe. One thing she learned was that the counties that she visited are very young. They are young because they completely changed their governments and economies. What is an economy?

An economy is the system that deals with money in a country. It also deals with how people exchange goods and services. You can learn more here!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Answers: How Much Time on a Bus?

Ms. Hoffman asked how much time she was on a bus. The first thing you have to do is figure out when she was on the bus.

She left Olympia at 9:30 am. 
She arrived in a town called Pirgos at 10:43 am.
She stayed in the bus station at Pirgos till her bus to Tripoli at 3:30 pm.
She arrived in Tripoli at 6:10 pm.
She stayed in the bus station at Tripoli until her bus to Sparta at 6:55 pm.
She arrived (finally!) in Sparta at 8:05 pm.

She was on the bus from 9:30 am to 10:43 am when she traveled from Olympia to Pirgos.

Then she was on the bus from 3:30 pm to 6:10 pm when she traveled from Pirgos to Tripoli.

Finally she was on the bus from 6:55 pm to 8:05 pm when she traveled from Tripoli to Sparta.

Let's figure out how much each of those were, and then how much it was in all!
1 hr 13 min + 2 hrs 40 min + 1 hr 10 min = 4 hrs 63 min
But wait! If you have 63 min, is that more than 1 hour?? Yes! How many minutes in 1 hour? 60, right?
63 min - 60 min (1 hr) = 3 min.

The answer is 5 hours and 3 min!

Monday, November 10, 2014

How Much Time on a Bus??

Ms. Hoffman has had to take a lot of buses on her travels around the world. She does a lot of waiting around for the buses to come and then waiting to get to her new location. Sometimes she wants to know how long she spent on the bus and how long she spent waiting!

Ms. Hoffman traveled from Olympia to Sparta on the bus.

She left Olympia at 9:30 am. 
She arrived in a town called Pirgos at 10:43 am.
She stayed in the bus station at Pirgos till her bus to Tripoli at 3:30 pm.
She arrived in Tripoli at 6:10 pm.
She stayed in the bus station at Tripoli until her bus to Sparta at 6:55 pm.
She arrived (finally!) in Sparta at 8:05 pm.

How long did she travel on a bus?

Friday, November 7, 2014

Where is Hungary?

Ms. Hoffman has found one of her new favorite countries! It is called Hungary. Yes, that is the name of a country!

Can you find it on the map?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Answers: Why Did They Build That City There?

Last week, Ms. Hoffman asked why certain cities were built in their locations. The answer she heard in the cities is that they were built along rivers. Every major city in Central Europe was built by a river. Why do you think it is important to be near a river?

If you said for water, you are right!

But what about for transportation and trade? Do you think those could be reasons too?

Ms. Hoffman has traveled to even more cities now, and she has found more that are near the ocean and rivers. Do you think this is important?? Is your city near a river or ocean? If not, why do you think they built your city where it is?

Here are maps of some other cities Ms. Hoffman visited:

Zagreb, Croatia

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Answers: How Much Does it Cost in Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Greece, and many more countries??

Ms. Hoffman wanted to know how many dollars were equal to 24 euros.

Here is one way to do it:
24 x 0.78 = $18.72

Can you explain how she found that answer??

Monday, November 3, 2014

How Much Does it Cost in Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Greece, and many more countries??

In Europe, many countries have the same money! This money is called the Euro. You might have heard of it! So far, Ms. Hoffman has visited 5 of the countries that use the Euro.

She bought dinner at a restaurant and it cost 24 euros. How much is that in dollars?

You will need to know this: $1.00 = 0.78 Euros
This is a bit harder than some of the other currencies Ms. Hoffman has had to convert!