Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Answers: You Shall Not Pass! Or, Will You? But How?

Last week Ms. Hoffman asked you to come up with a solution about how two trains should pass each other! Did you find it?

Here is what they really do in Battambang, Cambodia!

They have a quick way to take the trains apart and take them off the tracks. The train that has the most people or things on it gets the right of way, and the other one must get off the track and wait!

Pretty clever huh?

Friday, April 24, 2015

You Shall Not Pass! Or, You Will... But How?

Ms. Hoffman visited the country Cambodia during her travels. She got to ride on a train, which was a lot of fun!

The trains are very small in this part of the country and they used to be used to carry goods to market. Many farmers had these small trains and they would take their goods in to the town to sell them and then back to their farm at the end of the day.

There is one problem though. There is only one track! What happens when two trains are going the opposite way?

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Answer: Clean Water and Traveling Around the World

Last week, Ms. Hoffman asked you for help in figuring out how to find clean drinking water without having to contribute to pollution with a lot of plastic water bottles. Did you come up with any ideas?

Luckily, Ms. Hoffman has found a good answer that works well for her while she is traveling. She uses a tool called a Steripen.

This tool uses something called ultraviolet, or UV, light to sterilize water. Have you heard of ultraviolet light before? The sun gives off UV light and it can sometimes be bad - it is what causes you to get a sunburn. But, it also can kill off bacteria and viruses. The bacteria and viruses are the things that can make you sick!

This has been a great tool for Ms. Hoffman.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Clean Water and Traveling Around the World

Last week, Ms. Hoffman asked you to learn a little bit more about clean drinking water around the world. This week she will tell you a little bit more about how she finds clean water no matter where she goes.

In many countries, the water that comes out of the sink is not always clean for drinking. Sometimes it has germs and bacteria in it that can make people sick. Here is an article to help you learn more. 

Ms. Hoffman definitely does not want to get sick while she is traveling so she had to find clean water. Some people think that the only answer is to buy bottled water. But plastic bottles can be very bad for the environment. Read about why here.

So, what should Ms. Hoffman do??? Do some research about how to find or make clean drinking water. Write some ideas in the comments!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Earth Day ideas: Water Around the World

Teachers: this website offers a lot of information about water around the world and some activities you could do with your students.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Clean Drinking Water Around the World

Think about water for a minute. Is water important? Why?

Read some of these random facts about water. Did you know all of that? Ms. Hoffman is guessing that maybe you didn't take the time to read all of the bullet points on that website so she pulled out two that she really wants you to think about.
  • Most people around the world have access to clean drinking water but it is a major problem in poorer areas of the world. Water pollution and low quality water can lead to dangerous bacteria, disease and viruses such as E coli and Cryptosporidium.
  • Drinking water is needed for humans to avoid dehydration, the amount you need each day depends on the temperature, how much activity you are involved in and other factors.
Did you know that there are a lot of places that don't have access to clean drinking water? What do you think happens to people who don't have clean drinking water?

Here is more Information about clean water around the world. Some of that information is pretty sad and scary isn't it?

Want to learn more or know how you can help? This website will give you a lot of information. Learn more.

Friday, April 3, 2015

No Worries

When Ms. Hoffman was traveling in Bali, she meet a cool person. This man said something that she really liked and will remember. It was a saying. Do you know what a saying is?

It is a short expression that gives advice or wisdom. A lot of people like to share sayings on Facebook! You've probably seen them there before.

The saying that Ms. Hoffman learned was this:

Everyone has the same worries like money and food. So don't worry about those. Instead just worry about working hard and always doing your best.

What do you think of this saying? Do you like it? Why or why not? Discuss with a friend or write a short essay with your opinion!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Answers: How Much Does it Cost in Singapore?

Ms. Hoffman asked you to convert 4 Singapore Dollars to US dollars?  Did you find the answer??

1 Singapore dollar = 0.74 US dollars

4 Singapore dollars  = 4 x 0.74 dollars = $2.96

Friday, March 13, 2015

How Much Does it Cost in Singapore?

In Singapore, they use money called dollars. It is different from US dollars though!

Ms. Hoffman wanted to buy a special Singapore treat called Kaya Toast. The Kaya toast cost 4 Singapore dollars. Ms. Hoffman wants to know how much that is in US dollars!

Information you need: 1 Singapore dollar = $0.74

How much does Ms. Hoffman have to pay for the Kaya Toast in US dollars?

Friday, March 6, 2015

Do You Know How to Make Chocolate?

Ms. Hoffman got to visit a very cool place in Bali, Indonesia. She visited a chocolate factory! That's right, just like Charlie, she got to visit a place where they make chocolate.

It was very cool to learn how they make chocolate. It reminded her of when she learned how to make olive oil!

Making chocolate starts with a fruit. That's right: chocolate comes from a fruit!

It is called Cacao and this is what it looks like:

You use the seeds inside to make chocolate. Ms. Hoffman tasted these seeds and they were bitter - not like chocolate at all!

Next, they remove the seeds from the fruit and they roast them. After they are roasted, they take the shells off the seeds. Then, they are chopped up into little pieces called nibs.

Once they are chopped, they can be ground up. When are ground up, they become a sort of paste. They are finally starting to look like chocolate!

Once they have the paste, they squeeze it really hard. When they squeeze it, the paste separates into a greasy cocoa butter and a dry cocoa powder. They use the cocoa powder to make chocolate. They can use the cocoa butter to make white chocolate OR you can use cocoa butter on your skin or hair like a lotion. The cocoa powder is mixed with sugar and a variety of other things to make different kinds of chocolate!

See if you can retell a friend all the steps to make chocolate!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Answers: Safari in Singapore

Ms. Hoffman asked you what nocturnal meant and she gave you a picture for a clue. Did you figure it out??
Nocturnal means that an animal stays awake at night and sleeps during the day!
The special safari in Singapore was at night! It was exciting for Ms. Hoffman to see a lot of animals that are normally only awake at night! Here are a few more animals she saw.





Friday, February 27, 2015

Safari in Singapore

Ms. Hoffman went to a special safari in Singapore. A safari is a place where you can see lots of different wild animals. This safari was special because it was so she could see nocturnal animals. What does nocturnal mean??

Look at the picture for a hint.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Answers: How Much Does it Cost in Myanmar?

Ms. Hoffman asked you to convert 2500 Myanmar kyat to US dollars. Did you get the answer?
Myanmar Kyat

1000 kyat = $1.00
2500/1000 = 2 and 500/1000 or 2.5.
It costs $2.50!

Friday, February 20, 2015

How Much Does it Cost in Myanmar?

In Myanmar, they use money called Kyat (it is pronounced like "chat"). Ms. Hoffman wanted to buy some noodles for dinner. The menu says that the noodles cost 2500 kyat. Ms. Hoffman wants to know how much that is in US dollars.

Information you need: $1.00 = 1000 kyat

How much does Ms. Hoffman have to pay for the noodles in $?

Ms. Hoffman has some kyat

Friday, February 13, 2015

What is a Market?

Ms. Hoffman enjoyed a visit to a country called Myanmar. In her travels, she has visited a lot of countries that have different kind of markets. Here is a picture of the market in Myanmar.

It is a place where people can buy food and even clothes. Does it look like a market that you would find in the USA? Compare and contrast the markets in Ms. Hoffman's pictures and the market you see in the US.

Market in Kas, Turkey

Market at Inle Lake, Myanmar

Market at Indein, Myanmar

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What Is Home?

Ms. Hoffman was really lucky and got to visit her home for the holidays in December and the beginning of January. She was really happy to see family, friends, and pets. It was nice to see some familiar faces too!

What do think it means to be "home?"  Can a person have only one home? Discuss with a partner, or write your answer in a short essay!

Mountains in Colorado - Ms. Hoffman's home state

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ms. Hoffman's Travel Hiatus

Dear teachers! I took a bit of a blog and travel hiatus over the holidays to visit home. I am sorry for the long delay in posting. The blog should be up and running again now. However, I am currently traveling in Asia and internet can sometimes be a bit dodgy. Therefore, it is possible that posts may slow down and come only once a week.
Ms. Hoffman's cat was glad to see her for Christmas

Sorry for any inconvenience!

Let's get back to learning from travel!

Friday, January 16, 2015

So Many Religions!

As Ms. Hoffman has been traveling around the world, she has been able to learn about lots of different religions. She has learned some bad things, like people fighting about who has a better religion. In Europe, she has seen lots of different places where people pray as well. Some people pray in churches. Some people pray in synagogues. Some people pray in mosques. Some people pray in their homes. What is your religion? Where do you pray? Talk with your classmates and learn about other religious beliefs!

Here are some of the places in Europe where people pray.

Synagogue in Prague

Catholic Church in Prague

Catholic Church in Zagreb, Croatia

Old Serbian Orthodox Church in Kotor, Montenegro

New Serbian Orthodox Church in Kotor, Montenegro

Catholic Church in Mostor, Bosnia Herzegovina

Mosque in Mostor, Bosnia Herzegovina

Serbian Orthodox in Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina
Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church in Mystras, Greece

Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Answers: Have you heard of the Marathon?

Last week, Ms. Hoffman asked you if you had ever heard of a marathon? She also wondered if you could figure out why it was 26.2 miles?

Did you find the answer?

Ms. Hoffman found the answer here in Greece! It turns out that in 490 B.C. the Persians attacked Greece in a place called Marathon. It is just north of Athens. It is said that the Greeks won after a difficult and harrowing battle. They sent a runner back to Athens (26.2 miles!!) to share the news!

Read more about the battle here using some historical sources!

Just for fun: Here is a picture of Mr. Jean with Miltiades' helmet!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Have you heard of the Marathon?

Have any of you heard about the big race called the marathon? Perhaps some of you have talked to people who have run this race. To finish the marathon, people run for 26.2 miles! That is a really long way!

Have you ever wondered why they picked 26.2 miles?? It seems like a strange number to me!

Can you figure it out?