Friday, February 27, 2015

Safari in Singapore

Ms. Hoffman went to a special safari in Singapore. A safari is a place where you can see lots of different wild animals. This safari was special because it was so she could see nocturnal animals. What does nocturnal mean??

Look at the picture for a hint.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Answers: How Much Does it Cost in Myanmar?

Ms. Hoffman asked you to convert 2500 Myanmar kyat to US dollars. Did you get the answer?
Myanmar Kyat

1000 kyat = $1.00
2500/1000 = 2 and 500/1000 or 2.5.
It costs $2.50!

Friday, February 20, 2015

How Much Does it Cost in Myanmar?

In Myanmar, they use money called Kyat (it is pronounced like "chat"). Ms. Hoffman wanted to buy some noodles for dinner. The menu says that the noodles cost 2500 kyat. Ms. Hoffman wants to know how much that is in US dollars.

Information you need: $1.00 = 1000 kyat

How much does Ms. Hoffman have to pay for the noodles in $?

Ms. Hoffman has some kyat

Friday, February 13, 2015

What is a Market?

Ms. Hoffman enjoyed a visit to a country called Myanmar. In her travels, she has visited a lot of countries that have different kind of markets. Here is a picture of the market in Myanmar.

It is a place where people can buy food and even clothes. Does it look like a market that you would find in the USA? Compare and contrast the markets in Ms. Hoffman's pictures and the market you see in the US.

Market in Kas, Turkey

Market at Inle Lake, Myanmar

Market at Indein, Myanmar

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What Is Home?

Ms. Hoffman was really lucky and got to visit her home for the holidays in December and the beginning of January. She was really happy to see family, friends, and pets. It was nice to see some familiar faces too!

What do think it means to be "home?"  Can a person have only one home? Discuss with a partner, or write your answer in a short essay!

Mountains in Colorado - Ms. Hoffman's home state

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ms. Hoffman's Travel Hiatus

Dear teachers! I took a bit of a blog and travel hiatus over the holidays to visit home. I am sorry for the long delay in posting. The blog should be up and running again now. However, I am currently traveling in Asia and internet can sometimes be a bit dodgy. Therefore, it is possible that posts may slow down and come only once a week.
Ms. Hoffman's cat was glad to see her for Christmas

Sorry for any inconvenience!

Let's get back to learning from travel!